![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:45 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
This car has export (read: tax except) plates from Germany, but its in Mexico (perhaps a temporary export), and the plates are voided due to date... and those are placed atop an North American plate holder...
and judging by the glass its bulletproof.
I’d like to know what brought this car here.
I searched for the code for SU
SU - Siegburg & Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, North-Rhine-Westphalia
Guess where Ford of Europe is headquartered?
North-Rhine- Westphalia....
What does this mean? Well... this car perhaps belongs to a high level Ford exec, bought the car here and sent it for mechanical work and even bulletproofing to Ford of Europe? Kept export plates from Europe in order to import it here in Mexico.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:23 |
Judging by the US-shaped (and Mexico and Canada shaped?) plate holder, I’m going to guess it was purchased locally and the plate is some kind of trick.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:25 |
I don’t know about that.. I mean, yeah, plates are voided due to date, but think that perhaps the car did live in germany for a while (I doubt anyone would really get those plates as a fake) when people use euro plates here they use the national ones (Blue)
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:29 |
Hmm, maybe he just brought home a G erman export plate to fit onto his own car? Ther e are p lenty of these plates around , because as far as I know you get to keep them after they expire. Because buying a Ford Edge from Germany doesn’t make a lot of sense, and I don’t think they sell armoured ones there.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:30 |
The Fusion is built in Mexico so it’s possible the Edge is as well.
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Those are German export plates that expired August 16th 201 6 . So: Not a tourist.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:35 |
What do you mean export plates?
Whenever my family registers a car in Spain we get the red plates(because we live in Mexico) that need to be renewed yearly but don’t pay road tax. I supposed it was the same situation because of the EU.
But tell me what those plates mean, I am very curious....
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:36 |
Maybe bought here, sent there for a while, and returned (registered as a temp import) so that it doesn’t pay road tax?
I don’t know, maybe the car was in germany temporarily and the owner wants to show that off.
We also get to keep the Spanish tourist plates (Red plates tax except for foreigners.)
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:37 |
I think if it was originally sold in Europe it would have a Euro-spec plate bracket, like this:
The pic you posted is clearly a North American plate bracket.
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Maybe it was taken to germany for a while? I don’t know, that’s why its so weird!
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:42 |
I could see it having a North American plate bracket if it were originally bought by a US military person stationed there. But having a US-spec car originally bought by a US military person in Germany shipped to Mexico seems a little less likely than someone slapping a funky German plate on a North American-spec car.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:44 |
Could be, but seems a bit much of a hassle. Well, I guess it is technically possible.
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Ford Germany is registered in Cologne
Cologne codes are SU...
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:50 |
Hmm, could be something. Though as far as I know all Ford Germany cars are on Cologne plates, which start with K.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 14:51 |
Hmmm, it sure is odd, but the SU suffix does fit the region
SU is for Siegburg & Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, North-Rhine-Westphalia
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For what it’s worth, that model Edge had an “acoustic windshield” option Ford referred to as “SoundScreen” (it should be etched into the frit above the VIN window), so it
not be bulletproof.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:01 |
blacked out edge is a key give away. so its the decoloration at the sides (meaning the plastic from the bulletproof glass)
Plus, look how dark edges look a but off-set, meaning its either an aftermarket this is totally bulletproof.
Behind the darken edges is the opaque bulletproofing that is attached to the frame (bulletproof windows are too thick to be sealed in the frame)
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:05 |
Cologne plates start with K.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:08 |
You are right. but still, Cologne is inside the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia (or NW in German) perhaps regular Cologne cars get their regional suffix but export plates can only be had with state suffixes?
I don’t know... I’m just speculating.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:13 |
It’s a temporary plate, hence the expiry date in the red part (16-08-16 = August 16, 2016). Normal German plates don’t have that red stripe. The plate with the red stripe with a date is something you only buy if you want to export a car from Germany and drive it outside of Germany before you register it abroad.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Germany (see the part: export plates)
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:16 |
Export plates means that you buy them to slap them onto some vehicle you intend to buy (I don’t think you actually have to tell them which vehicle) and then have like three business days to get the fuck out of the country with said vehicle. I think they also come with some basic third party liability insurance. No need to return them as they have a huge ass expiration date stamped onto them. They tend to wander around after they expire. BMW douchenozzles from US states without front license plates like to throw then on for extra Euro street cred.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:16 |
But it has North American holders.
I honestly am perplexed because many fancy “Europeos” do bring their plates and place them on their cars (because apparently being foreign is some sort of accomplishment) but i’ve never seen special condition euro plates here in Mexico, not even embassy cars.
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highly doubt it’s an exec’s car; that model Edge went out of production in 2014. Management gets lease vehicles as part of their compensation and would be driving something brand new.
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But what about the North American plate holders?
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Ford has centers in both Köln and Merkenich.
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But it has North American holders.
It would have to since the U387 Edge was never sold in Europe.
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If its bulletproof its much more expensive to lease new cars, I know companies in Mexico that give office car credits including bulletproofing (I suppose less often however) to higher level staff, think execs and managers.
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So you’re saying some asshat bought a car in Germany, had it exported, and then stuck the expired plates on a North American edge with bulletproofing?
Seems plausible
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:22 |
No, the most plausible explanation is that the car has always been in Mexico, and said “asshat” just put a German plate on the front. It’s a thing; but usually the asshats who put EU plates on the fronts of their cars only do it for cars which are made by German companies e.g. BMW.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:25 |
N R W, to be precise. And no. Every county has a peculiar starter, depending on where you register cars (location of a business or home adress). Big cities usually just have the first letter M for Munich, K for Köln, B for Berlin, you get the idea. Smaller ones have two letters and the shit out in the boonies has to do with three. My plates start with RÜG as I live on Rügen, an island in the Baltic Sea, for example.
The fact that these export plates were issued somewhere in a smaller town in NRW which happens to the the most populous and also one of the biggest (geographically) German state doesn’t mean anything. Also as duurtland pointed out. They expired almost 1.5 years ago, and were only valid for a couple days anyway.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:26 |
And our bros looking for Euro Cred usually get normal, white with blue stripe, german plates. They tend to be real accurate, with munich suffixes for BMWs and Wolfsburg suffix for VW, etc....
Plus, Mexico City has front license plates required, the eurobros normally stick the european plate under/next to the mexican one, or make this kind of monstrosity
What I find kind of weird is that a black, bulletproof Edge seems like a corporate car, not the kind owned by an asshat, and those plates are far too uncommon and not showing of the very important “D” that they seem to care so much about. tis why its such an oddity/
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:28 |
hmm, its harder to entertain my conspiracy then...
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:29 |
Nein! K für Köln.
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I got confused, SU still is used for NWR...
Plus, the SU stands for Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, also known as the outskirts, metro area of south Cologne!
![]() 12/05/2017 at 15:43 |
They probably bought the plate on Ebay (or similar)
![]() 12/05/2017 at 16:07 |
I’m not convinced. Shoot it and report back.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 16:16 |
I can’t. The potential energy of the plastics, and the tension force of the glass means that when you shoot bulletproof cars you get hit by sharpnell.
you see, bulletproof glass is basically a lasagna of plastic and glass, and an explosion of glass to my face and body isn’t in my interest.
![]() 12/05/2017 at 16:54 |
Those BMWs were bought via European Delivery: you order your North American-spec BMW, but pick it up at the BMW Welt, and they give you those export plates so you can drive around Europe for two weeks (or more, if you wanna pay for extra insurance). They stay on the car once you return it to BMW for shipping to North America, so some people just keep them on the car once it’s registered here. It’s an interesting souvenir from a pretty unique vacation...
![]() 12/06/2017 at 13:53 |
Or: The guys with the flat brimmed hats on backwards who bought theirs second hand from the fifth owner on CL buy them on ebay to pretend....
![]() 12/06/2017 at 17:48 |
Maybe. Haven’t seen any of those myself, though.